1) Borrowing of examination protocols

To borrow the examination transcripts, Send mail to FSAR(fachschaft.ar@tu-dortmund.de) requesting a protocol for the course you need. We will send you bank details and Paypal details, please transfer 10 euros to FSAR by Paypal(friends and family) or bank transfer (share the transaction ID for us to verify) for each protocol. We will then send you the transcript by email shortly afterwards.

2) Return of examination protocols

A memorial protocol about the class where the protocol was borrowed must be returned within one semester. The deposit of 10 Euro can only be returned if the protocol

  • Is from your personal exam,
  • Is submitted within one semester
  • Complies with the guidelines and
  • Is submitted as a PDF file.

The specification of a deadline for submission serves the timeliness of a protocol. Due to other uses in the student council, the deposit cannot be returned after more than one semester.

Please submit the protocol by e-mail at least 24 hours in advance. The subject line should read “Return”. Otherwise we may not be able to pay out the amount.

3) Guidelines for protocols

A returned protocol must contain the following:

  • Date of the exam (1st/2nd date), optionally: Date of the exam.
  • Form of examination (oral/written)
  • Examination subject and names of the examiner (if possible also those of the assessors)
  • Majority (>60%) of examination questions

Optionally, you can indicate the following in the protocol:

  • Grade
  • Short answers to the examination questions
  • A short comment on the atmosphere of the exam and a personal assessment.

The protocol must not contain the following:

  • Personal data (name / matriculation number) of the examinee.
  • In case of an incomplete protocol, the Protocol-Service decides on the acceptance of the protocol.
  • If pictures or a scanned examination is submitted you would be reported to the respective prof. of the course.

(In case of an incomplete protocol, the Protocol-Service decides on the acceptance of the protocol.)