Welcome to Fachschaft of Automation and Robotics

By students, for students – supporting the journey of every MSc. Automation and Robotics student at TU Dortmund

Explore the various aspects of your Master’s Journey

Discover essential and comprehensive information curated to ensure your smooth transition into a Masters student. Explore these resources and feel free to reach out to us with any of your queries.





Upcoming Events…Click on the title text to find more on the events!

FSAR Elections WiSe 2024

19th November 2024.

Karrieretag Dortmund – Jobmesse

28th November 2024.

Hannover Messe 2025

31st March 2025.

Empowering Robotics Excellence

Explore some insightful stories from students of MSc. Automation and Robotics program and learn about the campus to kick start your journey here.

About the course
Campus Tour
RST Project Group

Resources for New Students

The following materials provide a comprehensive guide to assist you during the initial phase of your journey as a student of Automation and Robotics.

Connect with Fachschaft Automation and Robotics for any queries